Saturday, May 9, 2015

Same-sex Marriage vs. Traditional Marriage

Same-sex vs. Traditional Marriage


Back in 2008 my family members and I participated in one of the most historical and perhaps politically monumental events of my lifetime. We put our money where our mouth was and stood out on street corners in favor of Proposition 8 in California. For those of you who don't remember, Prop 8 was centered around preserving traditional marriage and preventing the redefinition of marriage in the courts. It was an experience that my then 8 year old daughter and 11 year old son would never forget.

Traditional Marriage = Eternal Unions


As we all know, however, Prop 8 was overturned by a single appellate judge not too long after that landslide election to adopt Prop 8 into law. That was a low blow and a test of my children's faith in doing what's right. We were shocked and appalled that the peoples' word was no longer enough to pass and keep appropriate laws in this land. We felt threatened by the implication that it didn't matter what most of us want or feel the law should be. 

The day that Prop 8 was overturned was the beginning of the threat to traditional family and to the election process in general. We wondered where our United States of America has gone. But we haven't given up hope and my children learned a great lesson about standing firm for what you believe in and not getting discouraged when Satan pushes back.


As I read the article, "The Overhauling of Straight America" by Marshall Kirk and Erastes Pill, I was quite amused and concerned all the same by the implication that straight America is basically idiotic. It was a real eye-opener and a wonderful way to present the threat to traditional marriage through the eyes of the opposition. 


Desensitization has been a tool used by Satan from the dawn of man. And that is exactly what the threat to traditional marriage aims to do. The article explains that the most effective tool for promoting gay marriage and same-sex unions is complacency. By using some very powerful tools, such as the media and influential public figures, this idea is not only eased nicely into everyday lifestyle, but it is cleverly disguised as normalcy as well. 


The homosexual community has painted itself as the "victim" in a war against what they deem to be normal everyday loving relationships. The problem is not that they are refrained from experiencing love. We want all people to have love, and lots of it! The issue goes much deeper than that. God's plan was for marriage to be a precursor to procreation and to eventual happy eternal families. 

According to the LDS Newsroom in an article titled, "The Divine Institution of Marriage,"God's purposes for establishing marriage have not changed. My views of traditional marriage have not changed either. I will defend it with all I have because it is God's law...a higher law. And I know that God will never use desensitizing tactics to promote His agenda. 

Article Links: 

To learn more about how the LDS Church views traditional marriage, I would encourage you to prayerfully read and consider this beautiful proclamation.

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