Thursday, May 21, 2015

Covenant vs. Contract Marriage

Covenant Marriage vs. Contract Marriage

This week in my marriage class we discovered some key differences between a covenant marriage and a contract marriage. In a covenant marriage, each partner gives less. In a contract marriage, each partner is only expected to give more.


My marriage began as a covenant marriage nearly 23 years ago in the LDS Los Angeles temple. One of the ways that my husband and I ensured this type of marriage began even before our actual wedding. While we were dating, we practiced giving 100% on both ends. It wasn't always easy and did not come to either of us right away. One of the greatest tests of our relationship occurred when he served a 2 year mission for the Lord after about a year and a half of dating. We wrote faithfully to one another and really got to know each other better through our letters. We discussed our individual and collective hopes, dreams, goals, and ambitions and decided then and there that we would always put the Lord first in our lives...even if we didn't end up getting married to one another.
Once he returned home and we became engaged (3 years later, I might add - unheard of, right?), practicing selflessness and patience, we managed to lay a sure foundation for our future marriage during those courting years. We compromised during the planning of our wedding; supported one another in our personal ambitions and career goals; and, together, made goals for our future family that would involve and require personal compromises as well. We planned to be married and sealed for time and all eternity in the temple of the Lord and nowhere else. And we were, exactly a year later. Since that time, we have continued to keep these concepts and principles a part of our daily practice. We still have to work at it quite a bit, but it comes much more naturally now.


One of the best ways to renew covenants in a marriage is to attend the temple regularly. I am not aware of too many couples who are married outside of the temple who regularly revisit the place where they were bound as husband and wife to renew their promises to one another. That is so special to me. It definitely strengthens our bond and ensures a covenant marriage.


One of the downfalls of today’s contract marriage is the idea that it is only for time. And today, that usually means a very short time. Elder Bruce C. Hafen discussed some of the pitfalls that Satan has managed to slyly introduce into contract marriages in a wonderful article on “Covenant Marriage.” He taught that marriage partners are prone to fall victim to natural adversity, personal imperfections, and individualism. These are concepts that are accepted and expected within worldly relationships. Covenant marriages are devoid of these issues when each spouse gives 100% and introduces prayer, scripture study, and gospel principles into the marriage.

One of the worst ways, in my opinion, to doom a marriage from the very beginning is to enter into it with a prenuptial agreement. That is most-definitely a contract marriage. A covenant marriage, like my own, begins with the idea that this is an unbreakable, impenetrable, and binding contract of promises made between husband, wife, and the Lord.
To learn more about covenant marriage, please visit LDS.ORG and search for key words, TEMPLE MARRIAGE or COVENANT MARRIAGE.

Link to Elder Hafen’s article:

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